Decision details

Council Tax Support and Discount Scheme

Decision Maker: Council Meeting

Decision status: Recommendations approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


The Council Meeting has given approval a number of minor amendments to the approved Council Tax Support Scheme and Council Tax Discount Scheme for the year 2014/15, as follows:-


·         That Stockport’s empty property discount scheme be maintained for 2014/15 with discounts for classes B, C and D applied as shown at 2.4 and classes E and F awarded discounts in line with which ever class B, C or D would otherwise apply but be exempt from the application of the premium.

·         That where a property has been exempt from Council Tax immediately prior to the start date of an empty property discount, that the date for the furniture being removed from the property be assumed to be the date the furniture was actually removed from the property or the date the exemption ended , whichever is the later.

·         That Beneficial Changes are brought in line with Housing Benefit Regulations, with beneficial changes implemented from either


o   the Monday following the date of change, if notified within a calendar month of the change occurring, unless good cause is shown when it will be applied from the Monday following the date the change occurred subject to an overall maximum of 13 months


o   The Monday following the date the change was reported if later than a calendar month from the date the change occurred.


·         That the original policy intention is reinstated and non dependant deductions of zero, £5.00 or £10.00 per week be applied in line with paragraph 3.9 above.    

·         That the calculation of notional income from self-employed Earners be reduced by notional tax and national insurance contributions.

·         That all Council Tax Support calculation figures stated in the Stockport Scheme be uprated in-line with up ratings applied to the national pensioner scheme and Housing Benefit regulations where appropriate.  With the exception of non-dependant deductions which would remain at zero, £5.00 and £10.00 per week as appropriate. 

·         That Stockport’s Council Tax Support Scheme and Council Tax Discount schemes be defined by Appendix 2 to the report and the content of the report. 

Alternative options considered:


Interests and Nature of Interests Declared:

Councillors Sue Derbyshire declared a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest in respect of this item as a landlord of a privately rented property that may have the potential to be covered by the provisions of the scheme. 


Councillor Andrew Sorton declared a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest in respect of this item as he had a financial interest in a second property that may have the potential to be covered by the provisions of the scheme. 


Councillors Derbyshire and Sorton left the meeting during the consideration of this item and took no part in the discussion or vote.


Councillors Christine Corris, Maureen Rowles, Paul Porgess and Alanna Vine declared a personal interest in respect of this item as members of the Board of Stockport Homes.


Councillor Stuart Corris declared a personal interest in respect of this item as the husband of a member of the Board of Stockport Homes.


Councillors Andrew Bispham, Kate Butler, Dean Fitzpatrick, Sue Ingham, Syd Lloyd, Andrew Verdeille and William Wragg declared a personal interest in respect of this item as recipients of a Single Person Discount.

Equality and/or Environmental Impact Assessment: Yes - a review of the EIA carried out for the scheme last year

Decision Reference: CM144

Forward Plan Reference: CCCS6

Report author: Alison Blount

Publication date: 18/10/2013

Date of decision: 17/10/2013

Decided at meeting: 17/10/2013 - Council Meeting

Accompanying Documents: