ePetition details

Grass verges on Langdale Road & Eskdale Avenue in Woodley

We, the undersigned request that the Council to concrete over the grass verges on Langdale Road & Eskdale Avenue in Woodley.

On Langdale Road & Eskdale Avenue in Woodley there are a number of grass verges that have become extremely unsightly due to vehicles parking on them and in some cases the pavement is becoming damaged.

The alternative for these vehicles is to park on the road, however this is creating a health & safety risk to the many young children that live in the area along with drivers as the roads are simply not wide enough to allow for parking in this way and the situation is dangerous! Recently, cars have been damaged as there is not enough room to manoeuvre which has resulted in collisions. Also, it is impossible for large vehicles to pass such as delivery drivers if the cars are parked on the road.

This problem would be resolved if the grass verges were concreted over. The pavements in this area are very wide and there is plenty of room for pedestrians to safely pass the parked cars. This would also then match the rest of the estate where there are no grass verges.

The grass verges add no value whatsoever and the risk to health and safety forcing these vehicles to park on the road is a serious public concern.

This ePetition ran from 10/03/2014 to 29/04/2014 and has now finished.

15 people signed this ePetition.