Issue - decisions

2020/21 Cabinet Revenue Budget and Capital Programme (LDR82 / RCG5)

05/02/2020 - 2020/21 Cabinet Revenue Budget and Capital Programme (LDR82 / RCG5)

The Cabinet considered its proposed 2020/21 Revenue Budget and Capital Programme investment plans, outlining the Council’s financial outlook and challenges across the medium term period 2020/21 – 2022/23 and recommended to the Council Meeting that it:-


·         approve the Budget for 2020/21 described in the report (subject to the consideration and allocation of the one-off available resources identified) and set out in Appendix 2 and 3;

·         note the risk assessment of the Budget at Appendix 5 and the report of the Section 151 Officer on the adequacy of proposed financial reserves and robustness of the estimates included at Appendix 5;

·         note and comment upon the financial forecasts for 2020/21 to 2022/23 (Appendix 6), and the key issues to be addressed in formulating a response to the future financial challenges facing the Council;

·         approve the 2020/21 to 2022/23 Capital Programme and the funding arrangements as described in the report and set out at Appendix 7;

·         approve the prudential indicators set out in Appendix 8; and

·         pass the appropriate Council Tax resolutions which produce a Council Tax increase of 2.99% (0.99% General increase and 2% Adult Social Care Precept increase) as illustrated in Appendix 9.