Agenda item

Inclusive Growth and Reform Programme: Adult Social Care and Public Health budget proposals

To consider a joint report of the Cabinet Members for Adult Social Care and for Health.


At the 14 November Cabinet meeting, an update on the Council’s Inclusive Growth and Reform Programme was provided. This update specifically outlined the challenging position facing Adult Social Care and Public Health services and introduced a series of proposals for addressing these.


The proposals had been subject to public consultation or staff consultation as appropriate and the results set out in the appendices to the report.


The Scrutiny Committee is asked to consider the latest draft proposals, results of the public consultation and EIA, and comment on proposed plans for mitigation.


Officer contact: Andrew Webb, 0161 474 3808,


A joint report of the Cabinet Members for Adult Social Care and for Health was submitted (copies of which had been circulated) inviting the Scrutiny Committee to consider consultation feedback on detailed proposals for savings from within the Adults Social Care and Public Health services, developed in response to the challenging financial position fac3ed by the Council. The proposals had been considered by the Scrutiny Committee at its previous meeting, and had since been subject to appropriate consultation with service users, stakeholders and the public.


The reports included feedback from the consultations exercises and Equality Impact Assessments.


The Cabinet Member for Health emphasised the difficult choices facing the Council to meet the financial challenges, and the aim of the Cabinet to do that while minimising the impact on services users. He welcomed suggestions for alternative proposals to make the necessary savings.


The following comments were made:-


Redesign of Lifestyle Services


·         Concern was expressed about the discontinuance of the cook and taste sessions in deprived areas, particularly given the modest sums involved. In response it was stated that there had been a mixed response to the proposal from the consultation, with some respondents questioning whether this was an appropriate use of Council resources. Assurance was given that alternatives were being explored, and that there were similar programmes being provided elsewhere.

·         Was the Council doing all it could to address smoking in pregnancy? In response the importance of this issue was acknowledged and the progress made in reducing prevalence was highlighted. It was stated that support for this service was a ‘red line’ for the Cabinet. It was further commented that addressing this issue was a Greater Manchester priority and that Stockport was ahead of other areas in its provision.


Stockport Local Assistance Scheme


·         Concerns was expressed about overreliance on online forms for seeking support and assistance, as the most vulnerable were less likely to be able to access online tools and there remained challenges with people contacting the Council by telephone. In response, the point was acknowledged and assurance was given that this would be taken into account with service design.


Adult Social Care Changing Policy


It was clarified that the consultation remained live. A summary of responses so far was given.


·         It was regrettable that the Council was in a position that required such measures to be considered.

·         It was positive that the consultation responses indicated that people recognised that the proposal was for those who could pay more would pay more.

·         What mechanisms were in place to prevent those who could not afford to pay being disadvantaged? In response it was clarified that the Council had a robust financial assessment system to determine eligibility. It was not proposed that all users would pay for services, and significant numbers would not pay. Service users were encouraged to have the financial assessment as they may also be eligible to receive Council contributions to their care costs.


RESOLVED – That the report be noted.

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