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Schools Forum

This page lists the meetings for Schools Forum. logo app
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Information about Schools Forum

The role of the Schools Forum is to advise the Council’s Executive on:-


(i)      any proposed changes to the funding formula;


(ii)     the terms of any proposed contract for supplies or services paid out of the schools budget where the estimated value is not less than the thresholds in Regulation 7(i) of the Public Services Contracts Regulations 1993 or Regulation 7(2) of the Public Supply Contracts Regulations 1995;


(iii)    annually on the schools budget in connection with:-


(a)     special education needs

(b)     pupil referral units and the education of the children otherwise than at school

(c)     early years education

(d)     insurance

(e)     revisions to the scheme for the financing of schools

(f)      administrative arrangements for the allocation of central government grants

(g)     arrangements for school meals


(iv)    any other matters on the funding of schools as the authority sees fit



A copy of the January 2021 can be found by following the link.


Previous editions of the newsletter can be found by following the link.


Training Material

Schools Forum & The DSG Framework Training – January 2021