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Standards Committee

This page lists the meetings for Standards Committee. logo app
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Information about Standards Committee

The Council, in accordance with the Localism Act 2011, has established a Standards Committee, as well as appointing two Independent Persons with whom the Standards Committee will consult on the conduct of members in the event a complaint is received.

The role of the Standards Committee is to:

·         Promote high standards of conduct by councillors and co-opted members of Stockport Council.

·         Guide councillors, co-opted members and the Independent Persons and monitor the operation of the Code of Conduct.

·         Review the Code of Conduct and the Council’s ‘Arrangements’ under the Localism Act 2011.

·         Consider complaints against councillors and co-opted members and make assessments and determinations of these complaints where appropriate.

·         Consider report of the Monitoring Officer on complaints relating to alleged breaches of the Code of Conduct.

·         Consider dispensations for members from requirements relating to interests set out in the Code of Conduct and exemptions to political restrictions on officers.

The Code of Conduct can be found in the Council’s Constitution.

More information about how to make complaints about councillors or co-opted members, including a guide, can be found by following the link.

Complaints about councillors may be considered by the Standards Sub-Committee.