Issue - meetings

Strategy Alignment and the Locality Plan Refresh

Meeting: 25/09/2019 - Health & Wellbeing Board (Item 4)

4 Strategy Alignment and the Locality Plan Refresh pdf icon PDF 254 KB

To consider a report of the interim Director of Population Health


There are 2 objectives for this report:

(i) to orientate the HWBB to receive (in this meeting and future meetings) a number of strategies, both organisational and partnership based, and to have a shared understanding of how they fit together;

(ii) to have a shared understanding of how the Locality Plan refresh required by November 2019 provides an opportunity for the alignment of strategic intent in Stockport.


The Health & Wellbeing Board is invited to endorse the framework for strategic alignment proposed in the report, and to note the context afforded by the required refresh of the Stockport Locality Plan for Health and Care Reform.


Officer contact: Will Blandamer, 07799390375,

Additional documents:


The interim Director of Population Health submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) highlighting for the Board a number of strategies that would be submitted to this and future meetings; explaining their relationship to each other, and the opportunities for strategic alignment with the refreshed Locality Plan for Health and Care Reform.


Board Members welcomed the report and the opportunities for partners to link their strategic objectives.


RESOLVED – That the framework for the strategic alignment of partnership and organisational plans and strategies as set out in the report be endorsed and the context afforded by the required refresh of the Stockport Locality Plan for Health and Care Reform be noted.