Decision details

Non Domestic Rates - Discretionary relief scheme and local discount scheme (LDR20)

Decision Maker: Executive

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To determine the level and types of National Non-Domestic Rate Relief 2013/14.


The Executive Meeting considered details of the Rate Relief Scheme to provide Business Rates Relief to certain organisations and has agreed that


·         the criteria detailed at Appendix 1 be retained and the existing scheme of 20% ‘Top-Up’ continue for CASC organisations;


·         Not for Profit Organisations (organisations which fulfil the criteria at Appendix 2) receive a 50% Discretionary Rate Relief;


·         Village Shops become part of any future Local Discount Scheme


·         consideration be given to, where possible, converting appropriate future  awards made through the Main Grant Scheme into local Business Rates discount either as a stand-alone discount or as a top-up to an existing discount , such as the mandatory discount for charities; and 


·         consideration be given to a local discount scheme being developed.

Alternative options considered:


Interests and Nature of Interests Declared:


Wards Affected: (All Wards);

Equality and/or Environmental Impact Assessment: No

Decision Reference: ED1489

Forward Plan Reference: LDR20

Other reasons / organisations consulted

Statutory responsibility to determine

Contact: Alison Blount, Corporate and Support Services Email: Tel: 0161 474 5107.

Report author: Alison Blount

Publication date: 19/02/2013

Date of decision: 18/02/2013

Decided at meeting: 18/02/2013 - Executive

Effective from: 26/02/2013

Accompanying Documents: